Dating a marine guy

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They are meant to be extremely close with this group of people and everyone else is simply on a need-to-know basis. Many treatment approaches may be helpful for dealing with relationship issues. Here are 15 custodes to know about dating a military man. Then he dating a marine guy me to go to the military. The navy email address is typically used for work, but many commands do not allow personnel to check their civilian email accounts on government computers for security reasons. A relationship can also give the xi a way to help someone else. If you're the type who just looks at pictures to decide who you will talk to, that's great; I can be just as one-dimensional as you.

Remember that nerdy, smart kid in your classes in junior high and high school? He was kind of shy, on the honor roll and was afraid of approaching girls? Well, ladies, he has now graduated from college, earns a great salary, will treat you well and makes the absolute perfect boyfriend. Not only is he intelligent, but he is intuitively rational, organized, detail oriented and sometimes a perfectionist, in the best way possible. The ones I have met are the least douchey guys I have ever known. Check out the reasons why if you meet one, you need to date him and keep him. He is incredibly rational. When you get in a fight with your best friend, he will listen and analyze the situation with you. He will provide his honest opinion about how he can either see both sides or how one of you is wrong. You have to be able to handle the truth. If you two get into an argument and can legitimately prove that you are right, he will admit when he is wrong. Sometimes this backfires if you are the one who is wrong. He has the right kind of confidence. He learned that being a genuine, smart, good guy attracted girls. They know how to fix things... Never knew how a washing machine worked? He is an intuitive problem-solver. You will never have to hire anyone to do anything. He can read a book and instantly figure out how something works. When your shower drain is clogged with what is probably hair, he knows what chemicals to use and how to clear it. When you move into your new place, he will digitally diagram your floor plan and measure the dimensions of your furniture to make sure everything fits properly. When he plans romantic vacations for you two, he will make an excel spreadsheet beforehand, to compare and contrast the best hotels and car rental deals. He is well versed in statistics and probability. When planning a getaway, he will know the best time to buy tickets on orbitz. He can teach you to play blackjack using statistics so you can actually win when you go to Las Vegas. When you want to hang pictures in your living room in a certain creative manner; he will help you systematically diagram and measure the wall to hang the pictures so they are spaced perfectly and evenly apart. He can help you code your blog to make it look extra cute or surprise you on your anniversary by making a video montage of your relationship. He needs to have a plan. When you want to buy that Tory Burch purse, he will remind you that SlickDeals. He is a perfectionist and wont give up until accomplishing his goal. When it comes to his work, there is very little room for error. Some are anal about dressing well and achieving the perfect matching shirt, tie, sock combo, while others are perfectionists sexually. One friend said she knows for a fact that her boyfriend has read books and studied diagrams. When you finally move in together, the dishwasher needs to be loaded systematically to use space most efficiently and to not waste water.

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